Dangerous products

How to report a dangerous product or find out whether a product has been classified as unsafe.

Is a product safe or dangerous?

All items that you buy in Norway should be safe. However, occasionally a product makes it on to the market that is dangerous or has the potential to harm you or the environment.

To make it easier for you as a consumer to find out whether a particular product is safe or dangerous, various authorities have worked together to compile the dangerous products website farligeprodukter.no.

>> Search for dangerous products here (opens farligeprodukter.no)

The website farligeprodukter.no contains a list of products that may be directly or indirectly harmful, and recommendations about what to do. Products can be reported by consumers, suppliers or manufacturers.

However, there may still be dangerous products on the market that are not yet listed in this database. If you suspect that a product might be harmful, we recommend that you report it.

Check before you buy

Manufacturers, importers and retailers have a duty to remove dangerous products from the market. Nevertheless, from time to time, dangerous products may be in circulation. This could be because a consumer has not heard about a product recall and sells a recalled product on the second-hand market. There is also a risk of products that ought to have been removed from shops continuing to be sold, or that online retailers do not comply with the Norwegian authorities’ requirements.

It is therefore a good idea to make it a habit to check farligeprodukter.no whenever you buy something, especially from abroad, online or second-hand. Obviously, you should not buy products that have been categorised as dangerous.

Report a product

The authorities need your help to get dangerous products removed from the market. If you suspect that a product might be harmful, please report it to us. These reports of concern are followed up by the authorities. By taking the time to report something, you may prevent harm to people and the environment.

>> Tell us about a product that is or might be dangerous (only in norwegian)