A man holding up a mobile phone, serching for signal
Photo: Simen Prestaasen/DSB

Information and communication in the event of a crisis

In the event of a crisis, it is important that you can receive information from the authorities about what is happening and what you need to do. Therefore you should be prepared regarding how you will receive information if the electricity network, mobile network or Internet ceases to function. 

Information in the event of a crisis

  • Have a DAB radio that will function even if the power supply fails. Various models run on batteries, wind-up mechanisms or are rechargeable with a solar cell. 
  • Keep a power bank, charge it regularly. 
  • Keep a list on paper of important telephone numbers in case you have to borrow a telephone. 
  • Check with your municipality if they have meeting pounts or other arrangements where you can receive information if the power supply or telecommunications fail. 

Crisis situations are confusing, and the information you receive will impact the choices you make. In the event of a crisis, you should seek information from public authority channels and editor-controlled journalistic media governed by the Code of Ethics/Rights and Duties of the Editor. NRK P1 is the emergency channel that will ensure the provision of public information, even if other news media and public websites are inaccessible. 

Make sure that the information you receive – and pass on to others – can be trusted. Read more about source credibility.  

Practical advice if the Internet or mobile network ceases to function  

If you have a vehicle you can both listen to the radio and charge your mobile telephone, as long as it has battery power or fuel. 

Check whether you can activate Wi-Fi calling on your mobile telephone - you will then be able to call even if the mobile network is down, as long as you have access to the Internet. Some apps on mobile telephones can also communicate over the Internet even if the mobile network is down. 

Check whether your family or neighbours have subscriptions with different mobile networks to your own. You will then be able to help each other if one of the networks is down. 

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